Hunny Toast
Catering Services

  • My most passionate service is creating food that heals. Meals delivered to your door supporting you to restore your wellness.

  • Do you need catering for your upcoming event, full day workshop or residential retreat? I work closely with you to customise a menu to compliment your event.

  • A privately catered dinner party in your home may simply be the most relaxing way to celebrate your next special event.

Preparing for your recovery?

Pre organising your post recovery nutritional support is the best favour you'll ever give yourself.  With attention to detail and sensitively attuned to your specific needs, my nutrient dense meals will support ultimate recovery.

Whether you are recovering from a debilitated condition,  surgery or in your postpartum golden month, this service is for you.  I provide a nutritional package designed for your specific recovery. 

The first 40 days following the birth of your child will set up your next 40 years, investing in 7-28 days of nutritional support will support you for life.”
— Hunna

Every woman is unique.

I’ve tailored my catering skills to serving women in the "4th trimester" post birth period. I’ve discovered there is an ancient wisdom/tradition in many cultures that focuses on the importance of a very specific diet to support milk production, encourage blood building and nourish your digestive system that has been under stress during pregnancy.  Sadly, our western culture has placed little value on this phase of mother hood and as a result we see a raft of postpartum depletion in our culture. 

My service involves a consultation with the mother to co create the most suitable postpartum nutritional package.